Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Ponderings - Saved By the Bell - "The SATs"

I started thinking about Saved By the Bell the other day, as I'm known to from time to time. In this episode "The SAT's" - we are supposed to believe that Zack Morris scores a 1502. I've watched enough episodes of Zach scheming through classes, cheating off Screech to know that he either wasn't that smart or just was really really lazy. I mean, hell, the guy had to re-take Driver's Ed. Of course everything came easy to Zack anyway - who wins the academic bowl with MVEMJSNP anyway?

Here's the side of this that no one else ever thinks about. Zack is already the best looking, most popular kid in the school with the head cheerleader as his on-again, off-again girlfriend. He's also the guy that makes fun of the fat kids, skaters, nerds, geeks, dorks, dweebs (as these all are apparently classified indidivually at Bayside), etc. You can't tell me that somewhere in Bayside, there isn't some faction of Zach haters - the weird goth kids, the 'bangers, etc. If there is, why weren't they ever shown? The SAT score had to absolutely put them over the edge. Someone out there had to want to take him out after this - he goofs off all through high school and then gets a free ride to Yale? I mean, come on! Not that Yale will matter anyway, we all know his career is in music. Still waiting for the Zack Attack's follow-up to "Friends Forever."


  1. Did Zack actually go to Yale? Your memory of this (thanks to you owning the DVDs, sucker) is better than mine.

  2. I could be wrong on the actual name, but of course, Zack, Slater, Screech and Kelly all went to college together at Cal U. Hilarity ensued.
